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Spotlight on Engineering: Potential Program Concentrations for Students

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Program Spotlight

Has the application of scientific principles and the development of technology always appealed to you? Do you desire to make a difference in the world by developing prototypes that can save lives, clean up the environment, make cities a better place to live or bring clean power to our society?

If so, engineering may just be the degree for you. This discipline focuses on transforming the existing body of human knowledge into technologies that can help us solve problems, then using those technologies to gather increasingly complex scientific knowledge. This cycle represents how people have developed culture and tools for thousands of years, and with an engineering degree, you can be a part of it.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which offers a wide variety of engineering career overviews, engineers make anywhere from $40,000 to $130,000 a year, and the need for STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) experts is only increasing. If you’re interested in being part of this revolution, now’s the time.

A Variety of Engineering Concentrations

Here at Geneva College, we offer a wide variety of engineering concentrations to help ensure you find the best one for you and your interests:

If you are interested in helping people live healthier lives, biomedical engineering will likely appeal to you. Engineers in this field combine knowledge of medicine and biology to design systems that save lives. Think of some of the more well-known medical accomplishments in the last century, such as breathing machines or pacemakers.

Enjoy playing in a lab? You’ll benefit from a chemical engineering degree in which you learn to apply the tenets of chemistry to develop new technologies and applications. Whether you’re interested in consumer products, the food industry, agriculture or raw chemicals, this challenging field may suit you.

Our roads and cities are a hallmark of civilization. The root of that word, “civil,” indicates the nature of this engineering focus: helping to construct the buildings, bridges, roads, railways and other media of transportation and infrastructure. If you care about urban development, about integrating our cities with the natural world and about creating healthy human environments, this may be the focus for you.

As the digital age exits its infancy, humankind has developed an ironclad reliance on computer systems. They are intricately intertwined with our food systems, medical technology, finances, the workplace, government systems and more. A huge number of people in the world have their own personal computers or devices, relying on computing technology daily. Want to make an impact on the world? A computer engineering degree is a great first step.

Those who are interested in energy should consider an electrical engineering degree. Whether you think you would enjoy wiring large buildings to be more energy efficient or studying the applications of hydro power, an electrical engineering degree can offer the basic foundational knowledge you need to excel in such disciplines.

Want to improve our environment for current and future generations? The environmental engineering degree helps you do just that, focusing on how green technologies can solve pollution, clean up manufacturing processes, and improve the health of humans and wildlife.

If you’re interested in the design of mechanical systems, this is the right degree for you. Jumpstart a career in aeronautics, manufacturing, robotics, energy production, nuclear science or even nanotechnology with this bachelor’s degree. A broad engineering degree, this includes many of the other engineering specialties as sub-disciplines.

If you prefer, you can combine your engineering degree with another scientific concentration, such as chemistry or biology. Your faculty advisor can help you determine the best way to combine your courses to create an ideal interdisciplinary studies plan. In rare cases, you may combine an engineering degree with a non-science subject, but again, that is rare.

Our faculty are experienced and knowledgeable, helping you transform your budding interests and passions into a meaningful career that helps you improve the world. If you’d like to learn more about your prospective professors, we invite you to explore them here.

One Giant Leap for Humankind: The Engineering Path

Does one of these concentrations appeal to you? If so, it’s time to learn more about an engineering focus and how it applies to your life. Our advisors would be happy to answer your questions about engineering programs and concentrations, and help you choose the right one for you and your career.

If you’d like to learn more about professions that enable you to serve wholeheartedly and faithfully in your life’s work or want to learn more about a biblically based, Christ-centered engineering education at Geneva, we’d love to introduce you to the Christian perspectives at work in this in-demand STEM field. 

For more information on how Geneva College can help you pursue your ministry goals, please phone us at 855-979-5563 or email We look forward to helping you reach your goals today.

Opinions expressed in the Geneva Blog are those of its contributors and do not necessarily represent the opinions or official position of the College. The Geneva Blog is a place for faculty and contributing writers to express points of view, academic insights, and contribute to national conversations to spark thought, conversation, and the pursuit of truth, in line with our philosophy as a Christian, liberal arts institution.

Apr 30, 2018

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